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Home > Christina Aguilera: BALENCIAGA BABY

The recent it bag on the celebrity scene has turned into a classic must have for everyone. It is simple and very versatile for all! Who does Christina Aguilera love more? Will the verdict lead to being her Balenciaga bag that she is clutching so tight (who could blame her?) or her husband standing at her side hand in hand.

Headscarf and a
handbag is a perfect afternoon with the hubby trying to escape paparazzi snapping their photo. Aguilera’s Balenciaga is costing approximately $1000 for the medium size seen on her arm.Our stores sell $180.

Love the bag, love the color, love the summer scene, love that fab headscarf and love the hubby. You go girl... throw on that
handbag and some sunglasses for the road and get going to lunch!